Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ramadhan Datang Lagi...

Setelah setahun berlalu, kini Ramadhan datang lagi. Dan kesempatan yang diberikan oleh Allah untuk kita pada kali ini seharusnya digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Dan jika dikehendaki oleh Allah, insyaAllah kita akan menemui Ramadhan yang penuh berkat kali ini.
Ramadhan, bulan yang paling mulia di mana hari-harinya semua malaikat memanjatkan doa kepada Allah, di mana tiada kegiatan baik yang tidak diberikan ganjaran yang sewajarnya oleh Allah.


Bila teringat maksud ayat di atas, teringat kelemahan diri akan segala kesilapan yang dilakukan sengaja atau tidak sengaja.

Semoga Ramadhan kali ini adalah Ramadhan yang terbaik. Ramadhan kali ini akan membawa segala kebaikan dan kebahagiaan.


Semoga Allah mengampuni semua dosa-dosa kita dan melimpahkan rahmatNya kepada kita semua. Amin .....
Kepada semua, sama-samalah kita menunaikan solat sunat tarawikh. Tak payah lah nak gaduh-gaduh nak buat lapan rakaat atau dua puluh. Janji kita buat. Jangan jadi macam ada satu cerita.... Macam ni, Imam nak buat lapan rakaat. BIlal nak buat 20 rakaat. Lepas tu Bilal dan Imam siap gaduh lagi tu... Bilal kata Imam dapat elaun lebih pun malas... Imam kata Bilal nak menunjuk-nunjuk. Jadi dua-dua ni tanya Tok Siak. Senang cerita kata Tok Siak, tak payah buat langsung..... heh...heh...heh...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Babah !!!

"Ari ni birthday Babah yang ke berapa Mama", asked Abe and Meme
"Cuba kira, Babah lahir tahun 1972"
"Aaa biar Mir kira dulu..."
"Mana beg sekolah Bang?"
"Nak buat apa dengan beg sekolah"
"Ala... Bang nak ambil pensil dan kertas, nak buat macam yang cikgu ajar kat sekolah tu."
"Ada kat bawah..."
After a few moments, Abe shouted. "I got the answer!, 34"
Suddenly both of them jumped and landed on Babah's stomach. They hugged Babah and wished him happy birthday. Then followed by Kakak. Shashah kecik lagi. Tak paham pun what is going on.
"Bang nak nyanyi satu lagu untuk Babah, kat sekolah selalu nyanyi lagu ni kalau ada kawan-kawan buat birthday"
"Mir pun nak nyanyi sama"

"Allah selamatkan kamu, Allah selamatkan kamu, Allah selamatkan Babah, Allah selamatkan Babah"

Since Babah tak suka makan kek except for kek pisang, there was no cake at all. Tak pe lah. Actually our planned was to eat western food. Steak or chicken chop or apa yang sewaktu dengannya. Ni kira one day off untuk Babah. Today tak payah nak pantang. (Kan ari tu Babah masuk hospital). Masa nak pergi makan malam tadi Babah tukar plan pulak. No western food. Let's eat tom yam!!!
"Two reasons."
1. Anti USA.
2. Anti cholesterol.
Boleh ke macam ni - Mama

Friday, September 15, 2006

Mama gets back to school...

On 10 September 2006, we spent our day from 9am to 4pm at Kelab Century Paradise. We attended Mama’s reunion for SPM 1990 MRSM Terendak. Although it was the fourth time for most of them, it is only the first for Mama. Since most of the ‘pupils’ were expanding in size compared to 15 years ago, Mama have to recall some of them in order to remember their name. Well, kat sekolah dulu mana ada pakai nama betul. Either you like it or not, you will be called by nickname. Later on the whole school will call you with that name. The next thing is you have to learn to accept the name that was given to you by your group or others. Since a lot of stories that need to be shared, we were left behind. It’s ok. Take your time Mama. After 15 years, of course you have a lot of thing to talk about.
From our observation, majority of them were married with three kids. The only person that day with four kids was Mama. Hopefully, some of them will catch up soon.
There are few games were organised on that day especially for the parents and the kids. As usual, the kids were more excited compared to their parents. Ye lah, parents asyik bercakap saja. So, Abe, Meme and Kakak apa lagi. Tak lepaskan peluang. Terus berenang dalam kolam. Shasha masa ni dah tidur.
Abe and Meme participated in all games. However, only Meme managed to the second prize for musical chair. Babah played water polo with all the fathers. He lost to the other team. Ok lah tu. “Participation that counts !!!” said Babah when Abe asked him why they lost.
Before they end the session for the day, there was a lucky draw. Based on our track records, we did not even get closer to top 10 list for the lucky draws except for last year Babah’s annual dinner where we got a PC. And that was the best ever !!! So Babah told Mama don’t be so ambitious. All the prizes are not meant for us. After one by one prizes were given away, only three left with five persons were yet to be called. One of them was Mama. So guess what we got for that day?

A day full of enjoyment for all of us and a lot of memories for Mama to be remembered. About the lucky draw, as usual we added one more number into our record !!!